About Us
Longdog Brewery is Basingstoke's town brewery. Established in 2011, we brew a wide range of cask and bottle conditioned ales from individual recipes, using traditional ingredients, locally sourced wherever possible. In 2019, when Rod and Jenny took over, they were keen to build on the
brewery's existing reputation for quality hand-crafted beers, continuing to brew the established favourites and excited to introduce new recipes, developed over a lifetime .

The Team
The Longdog team consists of Rod and Jenny; a dedicated band of part time employees and volunteers; a very supportive family; and Ted the dog. They have all worked hard to push the brewery forward and have ambitions to transform it further.
If you would like to join us working in the brewery, the taproom or at events, please get in touch!
Our Beer
We focus on cask and bottle conditioned ales that taste good, and showcase the traditional ingredients of malt, hops, yeast and our rock-hard Basingstoke water, drawn from the chalk aquifers that surround us. Because we brew in modest 1000 litre batches, we can offer a broad range of beers, with something for everyone. Ranging in strength from 1.5% to 6% abv and from golden pales to our award winning jet-black Lamplight Porter, we guarantee we have an ale for all tastes and occasions.